The good news is that following a healthy nutrition plan, along with exercising and emotional rebalancing, will normalize blood pressure in most people. Please take a look through the links below to learn more if high blood pressure is affecting you or a loved one. It's an easily treated condition, but one that can cause serious damage to your health if it's ignored.
Learn to Handle Stress to Avoid High Blood Pressure: If your children get overly stressed while playing video games they migincreased chances of developing high blood pressure later in life.
Sunlight Can Lower Your Blood Pressure: Sun worshippers and tanning bed enthusiasts are seeking more than a bronze complexion--they want to experience feelings of euphoria that may, in turn, help to lower their blood pressure.
Electrical Acupuncture Slashes High Blood Pressure: Acupuncture combined with electrical stimulation can lower your blood pressure if you have hypertension.
Do You Have a Good Blood Pressure?: Guidelines on redefining high blood pressure categorize 45 million Americans as needing treatment. Is this some sort of drug company scam? What can you do to normalize your blood pressure without drugs?
U.S. Blood Pressure Rates Rise Dangerously: Almost one-third of Americans have high blood pressure. Have you checked yours lately?
Even Dropping a Few Pounds Good for Blood Pressure: Even modest weight loss can lead to long-term reduction in blood pressure.
Exercise Will Lower Your Blood Pressure: If you or someone you know has high blood pressure, exercise needs to be an essential part of your overall program.
Garlic Fights Deadly Hypertension: Learn the trick behind eating garlic and reap the proven health benefits.
Can Eliminating Meat From Your Diet Lower Your Blood Pressure?: The commonly held belief that a vegetarian diet normalizes blood pressure has some serious flaws. There are better and more effective ways to achieve a normal blood pressure.
Lower Blood Pressure Another Benefit of Folic Acid: It's already known that women take folic acid to prevent birth defects, but now it is being linked to another benefit--decreasing blood pressure levels.
"White-Coat" Hypertension May Signal Heart Problem: Read how the stress you may feel simply from going to the doctor may have extremely negative effects on your heart.
Placebo Lowers Blood Pressure in Nearly One-Third of Patients: Placebo treatment of high blood pressure is almost as effective as drug treatment.
Vitamins C, E May Lower Blood Pressure: These antioxidants were once again found to provide health benefits, this time by lowering blood pressure.
Arm Position May Alter Blood Pressure Readings: You might want to get your blood pressure reading again after you read this interesting article. Studies suggest that the position of your arm may change your blood pressure reading.
Overweight Patients May Receive Incorrect Blood Pressure Readings: Patients who are obese or overweight may be wrongly diagnosed with high blood pressure if the wrong size arm cuff is used.
Take the Latest Low Sodium Advice With a Grain of Salt: Recommendations say that all Americans should reduce their sodium intake or face an increased risk of hypertension, stroke and heart attack. But should a low-sodium diet really be applied to the general population?
Aerobic Exercise Better to Reduce Blood Pressure: Don't be fooled into thinking lifting weights or gardening will be sufficient in giving you all the benefits of aerobic exercise.
Government Finally Acknowledges You Can Lower Your Blood Pressure by Change in Diet, Exercise: New government recommendations emphasize that high blood pressure can be prevented through lifestyle modifications such as diet and exercise.
Advil and Aleve May Make Blood Pressure Rise: Over-the-counter pain medication is associated with high blood pressure in women. Further, a large portion of U.S. high blood pressure cases may be due the overuse of such medications.
90% of Americans Headed for High Blood Pressure: Unless lifestyle changes are implemented, most Americans will develop hypertension. Learn what you can do to treat and prevent this common problem.
Blood Pressure Treatment Usually Fails: More than 43 million Americans have high blood pressure (hypertension), but less than one-third of them have achieved targeted levels of blood pressure. Read about more natural options.
75% of High Blood Pressure Untreated in U.S.: Not only do the vast majority of people with high blood pressure problems fail to seek out treatment, but many of them don't even know their blood pressure is high!
Even Mild Stress Can Raise Blood Pressure: More evidence supporting the belief that the vast majority of heart disease and cancer is foundationally related to unresolved emotional conflict.
Lack of Breastfeeding in Infancy Linked to High Blood Pressure as an Adult: Find out how you can prevent high blood pressure as an adult by moderating an infant's diet, particularly by breastfeeding.
Dr Mercola

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